Friday 9 January 2009

preliminary task- group problems

thursday 8th jan
I arrived to the lesson quite late and found that half my group were absent due to exams. I was made to join another group for the mean time. Last lesson we were given the task of making up a storyboard based around a given brief which we had to film in todays lesson. We were also told that this would be our final practice before the real thriller filming project started next lesson. Although i missed the filming time, i was present for editing the film work. From what i saw of the shots i believe the group did quite a good job with shooting footage although they did run out of time and were unable to finish shooting.

During editing, the mac we were initially using stopped working quite suddenly and although we were given assistance, unable to fix it we had to move to a different computer which wasted vaulable editing time. Once we moved to the next computer and uploaded our footage with the little time we had left we managed to edit some really good work although the group did not finsh recording. I believe the group worked hard

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