Saturday 31 January 2009

explaining changing our setting to the group

Thursday 29th January 2009

On Thursday's lesson, Louise and I explained to the group what we had done in Workshop and the problem that we had found with filming at night time. We explained that we had looked at the footage and that it was not filmed well because the light was positioned wrongly and also the fact that it looked to dark. We told them the new idea that we had decided on and Pareece thought it was a good idea. We told her that Gez and Mary had advised us that filming in the day time would be better for us and we would still get the same effect we was looking for.

After that was cleared we went into the editing room and changed our credits because it didn't look good for a day time Thriller. We managed to change it and it looked good. Whilst we was doing this, we was decided on the various shots that we would use for our new idea. This however didn't go to plan.

We also discussed whether we would still have the credits cut in between the action as first decided, but that is still to be confirmed.

After finishing all that we didn't have enough time to go and film so we went back and decided to edit the practice Thriller that we had failed to do before. Although this was a waste of time we still had to do it to put onto our blog.

We are planning on filming on Monday in Rebecca's lesson so that we don't fall too far behind. If all the filming gets done by the end of next week, this will allows us to have more time to edit the work and make our Thriller look good.

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