Friday 16 January 2009

This is a summary blog because i have been unable to blog.

The first lesson we had i was absent and wasnt there when we were told the groups that we would be in for our main Thriller. The next lesson which was monday 1st December i found out that i was in the same group as Louise, Rhea and Pareece. In this lesson we was told by Rebecca that we had to make a practice Thriller of a person reading a newspaper. We had to use a minimum of 12 shots in this Thriller and had to storyboard it.
In Gerald's lesson the following Thursday, we were given a tutorial by Mickey on how to use the camera. He taught us all the elements of the camera, how to insert the battery and the tape and also how to use the Tripod.
Our Practice Thriller was of someone reading a newspaper and seeing a rapist story in the newspaper. She then sees the rapist next to her and starts to run. She escapes but gets to a dead end and sees the rapist. He then takes her round the corner and this ends it. The rapist is never seen. In this practice i was the so called rapist and i also took part in some of the filming as we all did. When recording i took in to account the advice that micky gave us about not leaving too much space above the persons head in the shot and also try not to zoom in as it looks bad if not done well. We were unable to finish all our filming because we realisedthat it was harder than we expected. We had to then contiuse this in the next lesson.
On the monday after, Rebecca told us that we would be editing our Thriller but my group hadn't had finished filming it, so for the first part of the lesson we finished off filming and the rest we spent on editing. We was unable to finsh off the editing because of the time but we still got a chance to use the editing program and get a feel of how it is. Using this will help our group when coming to filming and editing our main Thriller.

On Thursday 11th December we watched a film called 'The Bourne Identity', whilst watching this we had to think of three times in the film where suspence was built. This suspence was effective as it could build up a certain atmosphere.

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