Friday 30 January 2009

Filming- Continued

Monday 26th

This lesson was based on each group continuing with our filming and aimed at bringing our storyboard ideas to life. During this lesson my group were unable to film as we chose to base our thriller at night. But not wanting to fall behind we decided that instead of lounging around , we would aim at getting our credit’s a completed and out of the way as well as potential music, we created using sound track pro. Doing both of these things helped us and me personally get a better idea and understanding of how to use both the programmers. We arranged to have the camera after college and with a location in mind we set our to film. Once we got to our location and began filming we realized the challenge we were facing with ‘lighting’. Though we were given lights, they only lasted for a maximum of 15mins each meaning we had to work fast. We found it really difficult to film even using the light as everywhere we tried to place the light made it looks as if the was a obviously spot light on the subject we were filming. This was a set back for us because we only filmed a few shots before we had to pack up and go home due to the fact that ;the later it was getting meant the darker and less easy it was to film. We realized that between then and next lesson we would have to think of a solution to our lighting problem. If that meant changing our night time idea to day idea then so be it.

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