Sunday 4 January 2009

Sadly even after going in to the effort of downloading this Clip from the Shining I forgot my whole folder with my notes and questions based on thrillers. As far as I’m aware of the project, the aim is to analyse the clip from What Lies Beneath. Possibly including topics based on things such as – Camera Work, Editing, Mise- en – Scene and how these tools help build up tension in these thrillers.

The clip from the shining starts with the first five seconds of the character creeping up the stairs and coming to a quick halt in a medium shot. I believe tension is built up a lot here. Where the camera slowly peers into this empty space but because of the angle, we can’t see who or what she’s looking at. As the camera is panning to the left the music also changes to a drowning slow tempo allowing us to observe the surrounding we are in and build up our curiosity. This dim, quiet, still setting allows the audience thoughts to build up and question – What happens next?
A favourite feature of mine is when we see the steam at her feet coming from the bathroom, she slowly opens the bathroom door and the only thing we get to see is her facial expressions first in her close-up shot. I find this my favourite because yet again this builds up suspense , because we almost to have to rely on her facial expressions and the way her body reacts as to what type of atmosphere she is walking in to. Since she is who sees it before us.

Secondly I find the ending of this thriller very interesting because the timing of the shots in the middle was generally (when not focused on her) between 6-8 seconds and when the focus was on her the shots were slightly shorter. So when the shots were getting longer, you fill suspension build up because you almost fill the title of the film replaying in your head, as to what lies beneath in the bath.

(Apologise again will be updated when i have correct relevant info)

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