Sunday 8 February 2009

Early Morning Filming-Catch up

On Saturday morning unfortunately only Gerald and I turned up for the much needed filming session although this was disappointing and a set back but we were determined not to let it affect us. When we filmed during Thursdays lesson the weather was icy, rainy and the sky was grey and gloomy looking, on saturday although it was cold, there was no icy, no rain and the sun was shinning quite brightly. This was annoying becuase we knew it would be obviously recognised wen watched. We therefore decided that we would film everything again that day jsut incase we were unable to make the two sets of footage look like they were filmed on the same day. We got a lot done outside, we reshot the bad match cut scenes which was quite difficult because we had to keep waiting for the same bus to come by without any other obsticles getting in the shot which proved difficult as it was main road on a saturday morning. Althought it took a while we managed to get it filmed and were happy watching back what we had down. After being outside for over 2hours we decided to move on and film the house scene.

When we got to the house we sat down and brainstormed a new way to set out this scene as members of our group were not present we could not do what we initally planned. After brain storming we shot the scene serval times from diffrent angel trying to be as creative as possible taking into account our target audience and how they would respond to certain scenes. It was a bit difficult to film the house scene because of bad lighting but we decided we would just film it and wait until editing to see if it is usable or if we would have to refilm it.

Although it was hard with just the two of us, we managed to get a lot of filming done as Gerald will be away next week. So we tried to get as much filimg done as possible in order to make sure that we do no tfall behind anymore. During Mondays lesson I be focusing on logging and capturing all of saturdays footage and seeking advice on the house lighting situation and the weather situation i will also be attending lunch time workshop in order to get more done as the lesson is quite short.

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