Thursday 26 February 2009

Todays Workshop - 26th February

In today’s lessons, I, Louise and Gerald attended the Media work shop. We realised there was still a number of things left to do before the deadline. So today’s workshop was based on the background music and sound effects. We started off with exporting the background music we made from before in to the sequence. So while Gerald and Louise was doing that I was noting down all the sound effects we needed and where about we could get them from on Soundtrack Pro.
Some of the things we needed to remember were:

· The natural sounds of the girl (Louise) grabbing the keys.
· The sound of the front door slamming.

We started off by dragging the music sequence into final cut pro. In order to make the transfer from non-diagetic sound to diagetic sound we used the pencil like form key, to mark in or out the sound. Deciding when it should start and finishing. I really like what we did with the music in the beginning, were we faded in and out from the sound of the radio.

Once we were happy with that we had, we played the film and showed it to the teachers and technicians. Some of the staff approved with the whole sequence, wheras some dissagreed and thought that the point of view perspective of the stalker went on fot too long and needed to be broken up with different shots of the girl point of view or simply just at a different angle.

Whereas some of the other staff appreciated the length of the sequence and knew what was happening straight away. Due to the many different responses of my group members and staff this did lead to a passive disagreement. This did waste quite a bit of time because we tried to re-arrange the shots in different orders and lengths to see if we could make the scene more obvious, still keeping the audience in suspense.

So after fiddling about, we came to an agreement to leave it how it was originally however with the shots of the little girl (Ana), we would use effects such as a negative to create a more sinister feeling. So the lesson did progress on but we were unable to find any effects for when Ana flashes on the screen. So we decided to stop wasting time in searching and move on the to the soundtrack again. We opened up the orginal music we made from before and started to try and develope it. Focusing on thinckening the music for when Ana first appears on the screen.

While doing this we also tried to find a noise that sounded like a bang, something that was unexpected but happened so quickly that the audience would be in shock, anticipating wondering whats going to happen next.

Overall I think this lesson was very productive, even with all the interuptions, with attending so many workshops throughout the week I could really see the development of our opening thriller and was happy with the outcome.

Gerald is going to come in early in the morning to finish a tiny htiches as i won't be ablt to attend because I have a 3hour lesson in the morning, Louise may join him later in the day and I hopefully will get there in time to view it and Save it for the examiner.

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