Tuesday 17 February 2009

Thursday 12th February

On Thursday myself and Louise fixed most of the sequence together, we realised that some of the shots went on for a long time and so with some helpful advise we realised that we could break up some shots by fitting in credits. We did this well and took advantage of this by adding in credits to the establishing shots as well as when the girl (louise) is getting ready to go out.

I realised and learnt that sometimes having animated themes and fansy writting can sometimes distract or decrease the atmosphere built up within your shots. Making it easier to understand why most films and programmes for a wider audience normally have just a simple black and white themed base credit(s).

Another tip I learned was that Cross-Dissolve is good for when you want to show that time has passed to prevent shots from looking so sharp. For example a problem that occured when we had the order of our shots in place was the struggle of making our establishing shot run smoothly from being outside the house to the girl (Louise) walking down the stairs inside the house. However from fiddling about with the effects we realised this is where using we can take advantage of Cross-Dissolve.

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