Saturday 7 February 2009

Set back by snow/ gettin filming out the way

Thursday 5th January 2009

There was no lesson on Monday due to the bad weather but however on Thursday we decided that we would film the bits that needed to be filmed again. Once again the whole group was not present but we realised that we dont have enough time to wait for everyone. Although things are more difficult without everyone being fully commited, we had to realise that things had to be done. So the rest of us set out and went to film. When we went out to film the floor was wet and we knew that the next time we went to film the weather had to be similar or it wouldn't look right but we still continued with the filming. When we was filming we had to think about the best way and most interesting shots to use in order to make the best effect. Filming was very difficult becuase the weather was so cold but time was against us so we had to do what we could. After the lesson Louise and I attended workshop to try and put the footage up and start editing. When we had logged and captured the footage we started to edit it and was finding it difficult. We went to seek help from the technician and she told us that not enough footage had been shot and so it was hard to get the effect that we was looking for. We had to then book out the cameras for the weekend to finish off the footage that we had to do so that we could start editing.

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